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时间:2022-10-05 作者:  点击:[]

姓 名:张朝晖


籍 贯:湖南邵东

学 位:博士

职 称:教授


研究方向: 分析化学



2000.09-2005.12 湖南大学 化学 /博士

1996.09-2000.07 东北林业大学 化学 学士



主要从事新型印迹材料研制及其在植物有效成分、生物大分子、环境污染物的应用研究,研究领域涉及色谱分离分析、电化学分析、荧光光谱分析等方向。先后主持各级课题22项,其中国家自然科学基金5项;在Analytical ChemistryBiosensors and BioelectronicsChemical Engineering JournalSensors and Actuators: B ChemicalFood ChemistryScience of the Total EnvironmentEnvironmental PollutionJournal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryAnalytica Chimica Acta 和中国科学等国际权威学术刊物发表论文100余篇,被SCI收录80余篇,他人引用超3000次,单篇他引150次,H指数为38。研究成果获得湖南省自然科学奖二等奖(2020年,排名第一)和三等奖(2012年,排名第一)各1项,湖南省自然科学论文一等奖1项(排名第一),指导研究生获得湖南省优秀硕士论文4篇。


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区基金,****4010,基于印迹识别—纳米增强近红外荧光毛细分析新方法及其对肿瘤标志物分析应用研究,2021/01-2025/12,在研,主持.

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区基金,****7011,大气气溶胶细粒子(PM2.5)中痕量多环芳烃印迹萃取-近红外荧光快速检测研究,2018/01-2021/12,主持.

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区基金,****5014,基于三维碳纳米基质支撑蛋白质印迹固相萃取复合材料的制备及吸附机理研究,2016/01-2019/12,主持.

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区基金,****7010,环境中痕量PEDCs印迹固相萃取-印迹电化学传感检测联用系统研究及应用,2013/01-2016/12,主持.

5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金,****5030,基于碳纳米管表面印迹技术的猕猴桃根中抗肿瘤活性成分分离及活性研究,2011/01-2013/12,主持.


1. Sisi Tang, Xiaodan Wu, Pengfei Zhao, Kangling Tang, Yu Chen, Jinli Fu, Huibin Lei, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Ratiometric fluorescence capillary sensor intergrated molecular imprinting for simultaneous detection of two biological indicator of Parkinson’s disease, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94, 49, 17223–17231.

2. Yu Chen, Kangling Tang, Xiangni Wang, Qin Zhou, Sisi Tang, Xiaodan Wu, Pengfei Zhao, Huibin Lei, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, A homogeneous capillary fluorescence imprinted nanozyme intelligent sensing platform for high sensitivity and visual detection of triclocarban, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2023, 382, 133543.

3. Xiaodan Wu, Sisi Tang, Pengfei Zhao, Kangling Tang, Yu Chen, Jinli Fu, Shu Zhou, ZhaoXia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, One-pot synthesis of ternary-emission molecularly imprinted fluorescence sensor based on metal–organic framework for visual detection of chloramphenicol, Food Chemistry, 2023, 402, 134256.

4. Kangling Tang, Yu Chen, Sisi Tang, Xiaodan Wu, Pengfei Zhao, Jinli Fu, Huibin Lei, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*A smartphone-assisted down/up-conversion dual-mode ratiometric fluorescence sensor for visual detection of mercury ions and L-penicillamine, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 856, 159073.

5. Kangling Tang, Yu Chen, Xiangni Wang, Qin Zhou, Huibin Lei, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Smartphone-integrated tri-color fluorescence sensing platform based on acid-sensitive fluorescence imprinted polymers for dual-mode visual intelligent detection of ibuprofen, chloramphenicol and florfenicol, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 1260, 341174.

6. Yu Chen, Kangling Tang, Qin Zhou, Xiangni Wang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Bimetallic nanozyme triple-emission fluorescence intelligent sensing platform-integrated molecular imprinting for ultrasensitive visual detection of triclosan, Spectrochimica Acta PartA: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2023, 302, 123103.

7. Huiwen Xiao, Zhaohui Zhang*, Sensitive and selective detection of p-nitroaniline with the assistance of a fluorescence capillary imprinted sensor, Analytal Methods, 2023, 15, 3940-3947.

8. Pengfei Zhao, Sisi Tang, Xiaodan Wu, Yu Chen, Kangling Tang, Jinli Fu, Huibin Lei, ZhaoXia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Imprinted ratiometric fluorescence capillary sensor based on UiO-66-NH2 for rapid determination of sialic acid, Talanta, 2023, 253, 124081.

9. Jinli Fu, Shu Zhou, Pengfei Zhao, Xiaodan Wu, Sisi Tang, Shan Chen, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, A dual-response ratiometric fluorescence imprinted sensor based on metal-organic frameworks for ultrasensitive visual detection of 4-nitrophenol in environments, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 198, 113848.

10. Shan Chen, Jinli Fu, Shu Zhou, Pengfei Zhao, Xiaodan Wu, Sisi Tang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Rapid recognition of di-n-butyl phthalate in food samples with a near infrared fluorescence imprinted sensor based on zeolite imidazolate framework-67, Food Chemistry, 2022, 367, 130505.

11. Sisi Tang, Pengfei Zhao, Xiaodan Wu, Yu Chen, Kangling Tang, Shu Zhou, Jinli Fu, Huibin Lei, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, A dual-emission ratiometric fluorescence capillary imprinted sensor based on metal-organic frameworks for sensitive detection of L-tyrosine, Sensors and ActuatorsB Chemical, 2022, 367, 132058.

12. Jinli Fu, Shu Zhou, Xiaodan Wu, Sisi Tang, Pengfei Zhao, Kangling Tang, Yu Chen, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Hongjun Chen, Down/up-conversion dual-mode ratiometric fluorescence imprinted sensor embedded with metal-organic frameworks for dual-channel multi-emission multiplexed visual detection of thiamphenicol, Environmental Pollution, 2022, 309, 119762.

13. Sisi Tang, XiaodanWu, Pengfei Zhao, Kangling Tang, Yu Chen, Jinli Fu, Shu Zhou, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, A near-infrared fluorescence capillary imprinted sensor for chiral recognition and sensitive detection of L-histidine, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, 1206, 339794.

14. Jinli Fu, Shu Zhou, Sisi Tang, Xiaodan Wu, Pengfei Zhao, Kangling Tang, Yu Chen, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Imparting down/up-conversion dual channels fluorescence to luminescence metal-organic frameworks by carbon dots-induced for fluorescence sensing, Talanta, 2022, 242, 123283.

15. Shu Zhou, Jinli Fu, Pengfei Zhao, Sisi Tang, XiaodanWu, Zhaoxia Yang, Zhaohui Zhang*, Hollow magneticmolecularly imprinted polymer based on metal-organic framework for capture of ciprofloxacinSeparation Sciences plus, 2022, 1-12.

16. Shan Chen, Jinli Fu, Shu Zhou, Xiaodan Wu, Sisi Tang, Pengfei Zhao, Zhaohui Zhang*, An eco-friendly near infrared fluorescence molecularly imprinted sensor based on zeolite imidazolate framework-8 for rapid determination of trace trypsin, Microchemical Journal, 2021,168,106449

17. Shan Chen, Shu Zhou,Jinli Fu,Sisi Tang, Xiaodan Wu, Pengfei Zhao and Zhaohui Zhang, A near infrared fluorescence imprinted sensor based on zinc oxide nanorods for rapid determination of ketoprofen, Analytical Methods, 2021, 13, 2836-2846

18.Lei Cai, Zhaohui Zhang*, Haimei Xiao, Shan Chen, Jilin FuA magnetic thermosensitive fluorescence imprinted polymer for selective detection of bovine hemoglobinMicrochemical Journal2020154104603.

19. Lei Cai, Zhaohui Zhang*, Haimei Xiao, Shan Chen and Jinli Fu, An eco-friendly imprinted polymer based on graphene quantum dots for fluorescent detection of p-nitroanilineRSC Advances2019, 9, 41383–41391

20. Piaopiao Lv, Dandan Xie, Zhaohui Zhang*Magnetic carbon dots based molecularly imprinted polymers for fluorescent detection of bovine hemoglobin, Talanta, 2018, 188, 145–151.
